Evan Edgar, P.E.

Evan Edgar is the Principal Engineer and President of Edgar & Associates, Inc. since 1997. Mr. Edgar has over thirty years of experience in all aspects of solid waste management as a registered civil engineer who has advocated on for green energy incentives, compost market development, greenhouse gas reductions policies, and practical regulations in front of legislative committees, regulatory agencies, and local commissions involving the collection, hauling, processing, and composting of urban green and yard wastes.

Mr. Edgar has advised private industry companies, state and local governments, and non-governmental organizations on recycling and organic waste project development issues including technical feasibility, technology deployment, collection options, land use compatibility, site design, operations, grant and loan funding, business development, and market development issues.

Mr. Edgar was co-founder of the California Compost Quality Council in 1994 and the California Compost Coalition in 2001, a statewide compost market development project and Lobbying Coalition, respectively. Mr. Edgar is a requested speaker on all solid waste management and recycling issues at national, statewide, and regional conventions held by Waste Expo for the Plenary panel, BioCycle, SWANA, California Resource Recovery Association, Point-Carbon, Renewable Waste Intelligence as Chairman, and American Biogas Council. Mr. Edgar has conducted workshops on anaerobic digestion, carbon credits, climate action plans, mandatory commercial collection, composting, permitting, and greenhouse gas reduction strategies.

Mr. Edgar was the Director of Regulatory Affairs and Manager of Technical Services for the California Refuse Recycling Council (CRRC) from 1993 to 1997 as an employee and to 2013 as a contract lobbyist. Prior to joining CRRC in 1993, Mr. Edgar was a Senior Civil Engineer for six years in Kern County and Yolo County. In Kern County, Mr. Edgar was in charge of operating fourteen landfills and five transfer stations which managed over 1,000,000 tons per year while developing innovating programs. Edgar has also permitted a new regional landfill, which ended up in court where he served as the expert witness.


Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, California State University, Chico, 1984


  • Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering, California, since 1987
  • Hazardous Materials Management, University of California, Davis, 1989
  • Registered Lobbyist, Office of the Secretary of the State, California, 1995-2013
  • Manager of Landfill Operations, SWANA, 1992-1995
  • Expert Witness, California Attorney General’s Office, since 2006
  • Advisor, William J. Clinton Climate Initiative, since 2007
  • Staff, West Coast Refuse and Recycling Coalition, 1996 – 2013

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