Studies & Plans
Edgar & Associates has a long history of experience in permitting individual operations, managing solid waste facilities, and implementing new technologies at recycling and composting centers. This process involves studies and plans for the following:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hazardous Materials Plans, Spill Prevention, Stormwater, Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate, and Market Analysis
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Understanding both the greenhouse gas benefit and impact of your project has become important to the permitting success of operations. Edgar & Associates has a great understanding of Air District requirements, best practice calculation methodology, as well as a how to accurately, and verifiably, calculate the great benefit to projects that increase solid waste diversion.
Hazardous Materials Plans
Hazardous waste is waste that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment. In the United States, the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste are regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Hazardous wastes include any material that would be injurious to the health and safety of persons or harmful to the environment if released into the workplace or environment. Edgar & Associates creates a plan for their clients based on an assessment of the unique needs of the facility. The plan includes emergency response plans and procedures, employee training, site mapping, and more. Our years of experience give peace of mind to our clients.
Spill Prevention
Most contaminant spills are small, accidental, and preventable. Education in the workplace is key, as well as being prepared for the potential large spill. Edgar & Associates prepares facility surveys and develops a comprehensive Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasures Plan for such emergencies, in accordance with the requirements of Federal and State regulations.
Storm water is defined by US EPA as the runoff generated when precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flows over land or impervious surfaces without percolating into the ground. Storm water is often considered a nuisance because it mobilizes pollutants such as motor oil and trash. In most cases, storm water flows directly to water bodies through sewer systems, contributing a major source of pollution to rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Edgar & Associates helps their clients with studies and plans to improve the management of storm water as a resource.
Authority to Construct
Any person or organization proposing to construct, modify, or operate a facility or equipment that may emit pollutants from a stationary source into the atmosphere must first obtain an Authority to Construct/Permit To Operate from their regional air pollution control district (APCD) or air quality management district (AQMD). Edgar & Associates assists clients in obtaining permits, as well as with a plan to ensure compliance with national, state, and local emissions standards.
Market Analysis
Understanding of local markets (or international commodity markets) is a key element to proper planning. Edgar & Associates has conducted a variety of analyses, including: regional organics processing capacity, construction and demolition debris generation and competitive factors, waste generation studies, and biomass wood market outlook, among others.